
SEO Workshop Launch

Welcome to the launch of SEO Workshop

We have been through a lot over past few years. And mental health has come to forefront. We’ve lost people. And that takes a toll.

So I am dedicating the launch of SEO Workshop to mental health, and mindfulness, by donating on behalf of every attendee to the Black Dog Institute.


So I’d like you all to become mindful for just a minute. 

Turn your focus inwardly.

Become aware of your body being here right now with many great people. Become aware of your breathing, your feet on the ground. Take a moment to be grateful that were able to come together like this and celebrate our great industry. 

Now return your focus back into the room with a renewed sense of purpose. 

SEO Workshop is intended to be a platform to bring together SEOs and stitch together the overall SEO community in Australia.

Featuring Knowledge from a range of the best professionals.

SEO relevant new roundups 

And personalised SEO Workshops.

Our great Australian SEO Community, all of you… is fantastic space for learning and sharing.

Online marketing Sydney run by James Norquay. 

And the SEO Collective here in Melbourne spearheaded by Nik Ranger. 

And the many meetups around Australia. 

Let’s keep the SEO community spirit alive.

And lastly one person’s spirit I want to ensure is never forgotten. 

A person who’s responsible for a whole generation of SEO.

Is of course Bill Slawski

Raise a glass for Bill! 

To Bill! 

May his spirit live on and inspire the next generation of SEO.

Thanks everyone. Enjoy!

peter mead photo

Peter Mead